Monday, April 12, 2010

Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson

This author was listed on a Read-Alike list, so I picked up a couple of her audiobooks for a recent trip; I was pleasantly surprised. The story follows Nonny Frett, who is in the precarious middle of a feud between her biological family and the one that raised her that has been raging for decades in the tiny town of Between, Georgia.

Nonny's story began when 15 year old Hazel Crabtree shows up in the middle of the night on the Frett's doorstep after hiding her pregnancy for the past 9 months. After giving birth, Hazel doesn't want to be a mother while Stacia Frett, a deaf and blind sculptor, has claimed the baby (Nonny) as her own. When Nonny is 5, her biological grandmother discovers that the Frett's "stole" the child she feels belongs to her, adding to the tension that has been building between the families.

Nonny is in the middle in every way--between her two families, between her soon-to-be-ex husband and her best friend, between her life and job in the city and her love of the child who captured her heart in Between. This book is a good illustration of non-traditional families...and the non-blood ties that bind them.

Would I recommend this book? Yes. It's an interesting tale about the South and what it's REALLY like to be in your 30s and "between" your past and your future.

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